My friend wrote on Facebook… Two days after a 5-day break spent cleaning, sorting, throwing out and organizing her home to such a degree that the acoustics of her apartment changed (!!!) – and already her home was a mess. The piles of laundry sky high and she was as exhausted as ever.
And that […]
Having company over? Need to whip up something that takes 5 minutes to make and will be ready to serve in, say 20 minutes?
Try these coconut macaroons. They’re delicious! These were made with the help of my 6-year old. Eggshells and all! That’s how easy it is!
You need:
50 g/1,8 Oz of butter […]
If you follow my blog regularly, you’ll know that I adore edible flowers. More than any other flower, I adore the violet. It comes out in March as if to tell the world that Spring is coming, it is petite and feminin and it has a wonderful aroma not to be found […]
Two-year old kid “shooting” at everyone with his fork, going: “Peeww – peewww – peeewww”
Hubby asks: “What are you doing?”
Kid, stating the obvious: “I’m saying ‘peww-peeww’!”
Here is an outline of what I did during the Easter break…
Ate too much and read Game of Thrones.
Ate too much and read Game of Thrones.
Ate too much and read Game of Thrones.
Ate too much and read Game of Thrones.
Ate too much and read […]
On 28.02.2012 16:57, Satoshi Ito wrote:
My names are Satoshi Ito Corporate Auditor with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation( Europe).
I am getting in touch with you regarding the estate of a deceased client with similar last name and an investment placed under our banks management. During our last annual inspections audit of our bank accounts […]
I am really not very quick to pick up on trends. I always watch old movies and read last years’ best sellers. In school I was always last to know about who kissed who and I don’t even pretend to follow music or fashion. Then I stumble across something and I’m all excited and everybody […]
Ah, people with kids. Don’t you love them?
Now, while mothers are different, I’ve noticed a few similarities. Within a spectrum, but still.
First the woman gets pregnant. If it is her first pregnancy, she reads a lot of books about pregnancy and talks a a lot about how she feels, how far along […]
My great grandmother gave birth to twin girls but only one survived. My grandmother.
My grandmother was pregnant ten times and had five living children. My mother, my aunt and my three uncles.
My mother was pregnant six times and had three living children. Myself and my two brothers.
I was pregnant four times […]
11 days.
In 11 days I’ll be on vacation.
Sun, water, waiters. Water slides, big-ass drinks, palm trees. Massages, buffets, books. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Stars, night caps and a balcony overlooking something beautiful.
I am SO excited.
No more wearing 23 items of clothing when going outside.
On this, the 101st International Woman’s Day, I shall sit home with my sick kid and watch “Cars” for the 1000th time. While I wipe a tiny snot-nose, why don’t you read this article from The Independent – it explores the best places to be a woman today. And the worst. How my heart aches for […]
I recently took a journalism class where on of the writing exercises went like this:
Think of a public person that you really dislike. Take two minutes to write down all the stuff you don’t like about him or her. Mannerisms, views, values, appearance, whatever it is. Everything. Get it on paper. Got it?
We humans really are herd animals. With only small variations, people who have the same age do much the same things. Well, this is true in my circle of friends, anyway. There was that summer we went to 5 weddings. Then came the year when everyone was preggers. Then everyone had baby number two.
In […]
Hey not-so-cruel-world,
It’s me again.
I thought I’d seize the opportunity to show you what kind of stuff goes into MY gratitude journal. (Mentioned in last post – go back one.) Have you started you own gratitude journal yet? Well, get to it!
Today, I am grateful for:
Getting the LOVELIEST mail from an old […]
So, there sits my 6-year old. All the toys in the world, every convenience at his fingertips, in a loving, safe home with lots of everything with a bunch of extra lots of everything on top. And he whines. And is incredibly and provokingly ungrateful. Goes trough what appears to be the pain of having […]
Hi cruel world,
It has been a while since my last written post. I am kindda’ depressed. And very happy at the same time. I’ll walk you through it:
The depression is due to the fact that it is still winter, going on what feels like 23 months of grey, cold, wet, icky weather and […]
This is where I blog about life as a woman, wife, mother, bad ass mother blogger, friend, lover, foodie and allround hellbender.
Wanna drop me a line? You may do so at mail[at]cindafuckingrella[dot]com.
Sharing is Caring.
Cinda loves you!
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