Yesterday, I passed a cherry tree bursting with produce. I was instantly set back 20 years, to a sunny afternoon in Bayview, Oregon, where I spent a lovely afternoon in a cherry tree with my soulmate, fellow-foodie and lovely friend, Abra. I missed her immensely at that moment, as I often do, and set out […]
I just got back from 4 days in the South of France. We did a lot of cooking and a lot of eating.
To get in the right mood, if you want, you can play this while you look at all the yumminess below:
51. I dream about living in Tuscany.
52. I once changed my cousin’s diaper after she had eaten a whole pack of gum and her poop smelled like peppermint.
53. I feel lucky to be alive.
54. I eat for comfort.
55. I once served a traditional Danish lunch for one […]
1. I never really cared for Tom Cruise or his movies (except Magnolia!) but I always admired his ability to run fast. His little legs going like drumsticks.
2. The other day, I scratched another car when I tried to park. And I drove away without leaving a note – in a panic. […]
Paris, Schmarish.
London, Schmondon.
Berlin, Schmerlin.
Flower markets, lots of yumminess, beautiful architecture, canals, bicycles and tall white people who talk a funny language that sounds like a cross between German, English and someone throwing up. (Someone might think that was a description of Danish, another ugly language that sounds like people gagging on […]
Being the mother of two small kids is exhausting. My very vise friend Susan once told me:
“Having one kid is having one kid. Having two kids, is having 10 kids”.
I now understand what she means. It isn’t just double up on the workload. Somehow, it is 10 times harder having two. I […]
This cake is so bad, it would make any high profile clergy-politician found at a sleazy motel in the company of an underage crack hore and a big bag of bribe money seem good.
It is filled with nuts, butter, eggs and sugar and is very unhealthy. And it tastes so good, you want to […]
Remember Whitney Houston in the late 80’s?
She had an unparalleled voice and looked like a goddess. She was hugely popular all over the world and – from the outside looking in, at least – had it all. Then she fell in love with the devil in disguise and this soon lead to her druggy demise. Today, […]
From following a thread on Facebook, yesterday I gathered that a former colleague had died suddenly. I watched as the messages began to tick in on her page, messages of grief, disbelief and sorrow. And I sent my own, knowing that she wouldn’t read it but knowing that her family would. To let them know […]
How funny is this? A “Fan” sent me this. (The check is in the mail!!)
Beige-doughy-accountant-type-with-greasy-hair-and-cats-named-”Schnookums”-and-”Lady”-and-bad-breath by day…
Sexy-latino-type-blogging-goddess-with-license-to-tell-the-world-off by night.
My friend Zack got an email from his brother, Mills, who had just found out that he had impregnated a girl.
He and the girl had been loose acquaintances in college. He vaguely remembered a stupid Halloween party at the Alpha-Phi-Alpha house, where they ended up having drunken, bad sex standing against a bathroom wall. […]
We’ve had lots of company recently – and I have thus made lots of deserts!
Here’s a desert easy to make using the afterheat of the coals after a barbecue.
You need:
Peaches (most other fruits can also be used – the sky is the limit!!) Vanilla sugar (sugar blended with real vanilla pods – keeps […]
They met at a bar and instantly hit it off. He was funny and charming, she was intelligent and witty. He got them a round of drinks, she held his gaze across the table, he said something funny, she laughed heartily. Finally, she took his hand and lead him to the dance floor, where a […]
She had always been fascinated by snakes and was very excited when she brought home her very own. The pet store had provided the right terrarium and counseled her on how to keep him. She called him “Mr. Snakey”.
When she was alone with him, she baby-talked him. “Ain’t that right, Mr. Snakey?”, she’d ask […]
Here’s a fatty breakfast that will win over anyone who likes that fried, buttery, sweet, cinnamon-y taste…
4 slices of bread – stale is good 2 eggs, whisked with a bit of milk and cinnamon and vanilla sugar Butter for the pan 2 fresh peaches – or bananas might do the trick. Or strawberries – […]
Here’s an easy and delicious salad:
Watermelon in mouth size pieces Feta cheese Sunflower seeds, roasted lightly in a pan with a dollop of honey Rucket leaves Balsamic glaze (storebought – it is too much work to make it your self and it stinks up the house!)
Sunflower seeds are […]
I have this pair of jeans that I wore when I was.. younger… well….thinner. They REALLY don’t fit me now. I think the other only time the fit me WORSE, I was 10 centimeters dilated and getting ready to push. I still keep them, though. In a sad little bag way in the back of […]
High heels are sexy. Not only do they make the leg look longer and hence the person appear thinner in accordance with the beauty ideals of today. They also make it difficult for the woman to get away. Regardless of the woman’s intentions, high heels thus signal fuckability.
In the 70’s, the feminists burned […]
As you read on my last post, I was fired 3 weeks ago. I am now in that privileged and fortunate situation, that I have 6 months with pay (but without work) to figure out what I want to do and to find a new job. I’ve sort of been in this sort of situation before. Some years back, I went with my husband to live in Princeton, New Jersey. He had a year of hard work at the University and I had a year at my disposal where I could do (well, almost) anything I wanted.
I was fired yesterday. I haven’t had this much fun since I held my grandmother’s hand all night, while she gasped for air until she finally died. This is right up there with my miscarriage three years ago.
Well. No one died this time, let’s gain some perspective, people.
Except a little part of me […]
This is where I blog about life as a woman, wife, mother, bad ass mother blogger, friend, lover, foodie and allround hellbender.
Wanna drop me a line? You may do so at mail[at]cindafuckingrella[dot]com.
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Cinda loves you!
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